名称: Dr. Jeri Ann (Boylan) Milstead

热博体育官网毕业年份: 1957

Current hometown: 俄亥俄州都柏林

Professional highlights: 政治学博士. Sc. (health policy) from U. of Georgia; Board of Nursing of South Carolina (4 years - 2 as president, 1 as VP); dean of College of Nursing, University of Toledo for 10 years; Distinguished Alumnus, Mount Carmel College of Nursing; Board of Trustees, Mount Carmel College of Nursing; Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing; taught nursing in every type of program from PhD/DNP to LPN; editor/senior author of leading textbook on nurses and health policy.

你是什么时候第一次感受到当护士的召唤的? I never had a "calling" as such. 我9岁时因阑尾炎在卡梅尔山住院. 我家住在一个多小时车程的地方,所以一天中的大部分时间我都是一个人. 照顾我的注册护士很棒——她提供的不仅仅是伤口护理——我记得她提供了很多TLC! 作为一名学生,我只申请了卡梅尔山.

你每周都要录什么电视节目? Downton Abbey!

你对卡梅尔山最美好的记忆是什么? 住在宿舍里(将学生们融合成一个群体的新兵训练营).

你的Mount Carmel网络对你的生活有什么帮助,无论是个人生活还是工作还是两者兼而有之? 我们在哥伦布地区的12到20个人仍然每隔2-3个月聚在一起吃午饭! 随着岁月的流逝,我们成为了更好的朋友——无论悲伤还是快乐,我们都“在”对方身边.

你的床头柜上(或Kindle最喜欢的书)有哪本书?? My Kindle is full of WWII books (Allen Furst's many books about the chaos in Poland before and during German invasion); books about women in France who fought in the resistance; books about nurses in the Pacific Theater and their heroism; Insurgents (a book I haven't started yet that deals with the evolution of how wars are fought); Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum books (great characters, lots of laughter).

当其他护士从学生转变为卡梅尔山的校友时,你想和他们分享什么建议? 努力工作,但要学会护理的乐趣. 如果你不喜欢你正在做的事情, 改变你的关注点——我们的职业有很多变化! 一定要拿到硕士学位,然后,一定要拿到博士学位或DNP. 你有很多年的工作时间,每增加一级教育,你就会有更多的机会. 梦想你真正想做的事,然后去实现它.

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